The dam deformation, especially the post dam deformation, is the key factor to determine the stress behavior of the concrete face. 影响面板受力特性的最主要因素是坝体变形,尤其是坝体后期变形。
For super-high CFRD, large post dam deformation easily causes damage of concrete face and vertical joints. 对于超高混凝土面板堆石坝,坝体后期变形大,易造成面板和面板垂直缝的挤压破坏。
Design of Post Tensional Prestressed Concrete Lining of Desilting Tunnels of Xiaolangdi Multi Purpose Dam 黄河小浪底水利枢纽排沙洞后张法预应力混凝土衬砌的设计研究
Post tailings stacking dam which is built by using the tailings in the tailings reservoir is poor in stability especially in flooding season, due to the small size of tailing particles it used. 由于尾矿砂粒径较小,后期堆积坝采用库内尾砂堆筑而成,其稳定性差,在汛期极易发生溃坝事故。